LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness Summit Panel Discussion
Publish Date: October 26, 2023Pathfinders recently hosted Darla Bardine, Executive Director of National Network for Youth, for a conversation with Tim Baack, Pathfinders’ President & CEO. They discussed the challenges, vulnerabilities and laws stacked against unhoused LGBTQ+ youth and what is being done at the local and national level to tackle these issues.
Later in the discussion, we welcomed Youth Action Board President Davonta, Pathfinders’ Sr. VP of Programs and Services DeShanda Clark and Justin Roby of Diverse and Resilient to give their insight and expertise on this important topic.
Housing is essential to young people’s safety and stability. So, too, is access to support that welcomes and affirms young people’s identities. Pathfinders is deeply committed to being a safe resource for LGBTQ+ youth in crisis and we are proud to uplift community voices to inform our shared way forward. Learn more about how Pathfinders serves LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness by reading our 2023 LGBTQ+ Young Adult Homelessness Issue Brief.

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